Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Eat to Live

Starve Belly Fat by Starvation: The Bad Effects There is line between proper diet and starvation. Some people think that starving themselves will make them lose weight fast, but that is not true. It is unhealthy to starve belly fat by starving yourself. You don’t only deprive your body of glucose which it needs in order to function, but you also bring a lot of stress to yourself. There are other ways to lose weight effectively but starvation is not one of them. The vital parts of our body, especially the organs, need glucose or sugar in order to continue functioning effectively. When you starve yourself, the body will try to compensate. The body, if it detects low glucose will release stress hormones. This wi ll then increase the liver’s glucose production. But when the liver doesn’t have enough store d glucose, your body will demand for more glucose thereby you will be forced to eat more. When you starve yourself, you eat more during your next meal. And when that happens, you will store more fats. Apart from this, you will also be more irritable. You are hungry and it is only expected that you will be more anxious and restless. You will not be able to function well during your work. And since your brain needs a lot of glucose, you will deprive it of its ability to function.

This is why you need to eat to live. You don’t have to starve to death. Having the right food, the right attitude and the right goals will definitely bring you results. There are far better ways on how you can go on a diet and lose weight without starvation. Experts encourage eating small frequent meals. This way, you provide your body with what it needs and at the same time, you give your body time to burn the fat s from the last meal. Choosing the right foods is an essential factor in weight loss. You have to eat for health. You should be able to control yourself in eating only the foods that can help you achieve your goal. The right attitude will also greatly help. Having self-di scipline is essential. You need to stick to your goal. And speaking of goal, make one that is easy to achieve—one that you can notice within a week. If you try to make a goal that can be achieved within months, you will not be able to see the results unless you have patie nce. Always have the right attitude, goal and food.

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