Friday, 16 November 2012

What is chi gong

What Is Chi Gong and How Can it Create a Sense of Balance? A trip to an Asian country such as China would usually have people witness such kind of meditative practices or other similar activities. There would always be that desire to achieve a sense of balance in the lives of the people. This pursuit has led them to practices which such as chi gong. What is chi gong and how does it affect people? Its roots can be traced to ancient Chinese practices and it aims to help people attain a balance in their life energy. The practice itself focuses on movements which are repetitive. These are done with due attention to the rhythm of the breathing during the exercise of the various movements which go from one position to another with grace and fluidity. The coordinated movement and breathing would help those who practice it find their center of energy thus attaining the highly sought balance. It is highly believed that if the flow of energy or the qi, also referred to as chi, of the body is upset, some physical as well as metal and emotional manifestations can be experienced. That is why practitioners of chi gong often do it in order to maintain such condition. If things would go awry then they can work on it energy healing through its practice. At times, this is known as self-healing or energy healing.

When asked the question what is energy healing, practitioners would often say that it can be done by preventing the causes which would disturb the energy flows resulting to its loss of balance. The energy can be healed through centering their focus on the various energy centers of the body and through this the flow of energy to these centers can be enhanced making it possible to achieve the much desire balance once again. The mind can do wonders in the condition of the body and this may be the reason for the belief that the mind can often overrule the physical nature of the people. This can be seen in the your wish is your command principle in which the desires that would fuel the mind would allow things to happen. It can be likened to having a positive perspective in life. It affirms the belief that once people set their mind on something it is possible to make it become a reality. Their wishes will not remain up in the air but it can have tangible results.


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